QUESTION: why do dogs jump on people???
ANSWER: because we train them to jump on people the second we bring them home.
Seriously- what is the normal human response to seeing a puppy- any puppy?
Your voice goes up into an octave that only dolphins can hear. You get crazy excited and you PICK THE PUPPY UP. RIGHT?!?!?!?!?
So, from day one, these short legged, chubby cheeked, milk breath smelling heart melters get trained that humans = excitement and UP. They spend the rest of their lives trying to get in the face of everyone they meet because that is how they were trained to greet.
FIX: Stop ruining puppies! I know it's hard, but for the love of all that's good and pure, CALM YOURSELF! Stoop down to the puppy. Enjoy it's cuteness to your heart's desire- but do it quietly and with the pup firmly planted on the floor. If you are the owner/operator of a new puppy, insist that anyone you encounter does the same. Do not let people pick your puppy up! They can get down on the puppy's level and snuggle and smooch all they want.
SUGGESTION: charge offenders $20 and tell them it's going into the puppy's training fund because you are going to have to hire a trainer to undo what they've just done. (just kidding) (not really)
CORRECTION: If you have a dog that has been trained to jump on people, the first step to changing that behavior is to stop rewarding it. Let's face it- how long would you continue to go to work if they stopped giving you paychecks??? Not long, right?
So, when Tigger stops getting paid for bouncing, Tigger will stop bouncing. You have to remember that dogs see reward in many forms other than just Milk Bones. Any form of non violent touch, voice and eye contact are all communication that you approve of the behavior that he is offering. Holding on to his collar = reward because it is touch.
Looking at him = reward because you are engaging him and giving him attention.
Shouting, squealing, crying, laughing = reward plus a BONUS- excitement.
The correction is actually quite simple if you follow through.
1. Put a leash on your dog.
2, Stand on the leash so that Tigger only has enough room to stand up normally- no extra length.
3. Instruct your company to completely ignore Tigger unless ALL 4 of his feet are on the floor.
4. WAIT! Don't be in such a hurry to have everyone interact. Patience and ignoring are the key. As in my last blog called Silence is Golden- keep quiet. When everyone calms down, Tigger will too. That is when you allow him to be acknowledged. However, if at any time, he escalates back into crazy world, you simply stop and start over.

what can I do to help stop the jumping for when I first walk through the door? I've tried ignoring him and it he hasn't seemed to pick up on it